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本站相關頁面 / 2014-10-29 / 人氣: 6995

  1. Introduction:
  1. First stage: foundation

Before 1956, our captains were already in the position working on board the merchant vessel since 1928, by that time, there were some associations exist: Association of Navigator of China Merchant Vessel (ANCMV); China Seaman’s Club (ASC); Association of Radio Operator (ARO), with association’s name but actually was in union purpose. After Second World War, Government merged ANCMV and ARO to The name “Association of Officers of China Merchant Vessel” in Shanghai. After the government was withdrawn to Taiwan on 1949, they refused complicate and rejected captains’ leaving for another association, although in international environment, most adopted the logic: Labour is different with Owner, Captain is somewhat an Ownership’s position.

This Association was under progressed at 20th of December in 1957. Back in 1956, the action which became a exclude association was raised by Captain Y. J. Sa (沙允仁); Captain S. Y. Gou (顧錫元) and other 56 Captains who working on merchant vessel, basic on the logic state above. For year’s effort, Government finally approved and set up this association at 27th of April of 1958.

Except member mentioned above, special appreciate Captain H. J. Yao (姚煥銳); Captain K. H Yen(顏光海); Captain S. G. Zou (祝紹鋼); Captain M. H. Wang(王夢痕); Captain P. L. Guan (關鵬齡); Captain T. S. Tong (唐桐蓀); Captain B. J. Yang (楊璧如); Captain Z. M. Liu (劉鎮謨); Captain Z. K. Wu (吳志寬); Captain C. H. Chou (周志漢); Captain Z. H. Zi (支振華); Captain T. K. Ho (何同漮); who works for Association’s establishment.


  1. Second stage: became specialty

At that time, most of associations were in union’s or club’s type for recreation and communication purposes. But our Association wished to become a professional one. Hence, in the year of 1961, the Chairman of second session, Captain H. J. Yao (姚煥銳) ever working to refresh the purpose before the government’s monitoring system.

After 14 times of discussion with Ministry of Transportation and Communication, finally we completed the revised draft on Dec 22, 1959. Wish the Ministry of Interior’s approval.

After few years efforts, until Jun 6, 1961, this association got the permission from Government, finally became a specialty association under Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of Transport and Communication. This were the victory of Association and all members.

Except the members of Association, we special appreciate who give assist:

Representative of National Assembly Mr. Y. Yang (揚英)

Kaohsiung Harbour master Captain S. Y. Hsu (許顯耀)

Ministry of Interior Mr. Z. D. Lian (連震東)

Social Department of Ministry of Interior S. J. Cao (曹省之)

Chief in charge B. K. Mio (繆寶康)

Due to new type of Association was set up, in the 14th committee meeting of second session on Jun 10, 1961, Captain H. J. Yao (姚煥銳); Captain P. Y. Chang (張品元); Captain C. H. Cuei (崔重華); Captain T. K. Ying (應廷奎); Captain T. S. Tong (唐桐蓀); Captain C. S. Liu (劉傳森); Captain J. F. Ji (吉俊夫); Captain Y. J. Sa (沙允仁); Captain P. F. Yu (余鵬飛); Captain E. C. Si (施爾昌); Captain S. K. Liu (劉松桂) were elected for preparation. Invited all the concern government parties to the ceremony for the change of Association. The ceremony was held on Jul 8, 1961, at FOCC. 


  1. Third stage: operation

First meeting at first session on the date 7th of May in 1958, at the International Hotel in Si-ning South Road, Taipei. Chairman and committee were elected:

Executive Committee: Z. M. Liu; B. J. Yang; H. J. Yao; S. Y. Gou; W. H. Hwang(黃務航)

Supervisor: S. G. Zou (祝紹鋼)

Chairman: Z. M. Liu (劉鎮謨)

Secretary General: Y. J. Sa (沙允仁)

Also, decided to have a publication for each quarter, hence set up an edit committee for Master News-report.

Editor: H. J. Yao (姚煥銳); C. S. Liu (劉傳森); C. H. Chou (周志漢); T. T. Lu (陸廷泰)

Association fixed the address at #1, 1743 Lane, Chung Chen Road Taipei on Oct. 10, 1958. After the approval by Ministry of Transportation and communication; Ministry of Interior and KMT China Marine Seaman’s Section. Association was on the road officially.

At beginning, we have 90 members in the list. Due to reasons, only 25 make officially enlist, but after one year later, while members finished their contract, and completed the procedure, the total members reached the figure of 138.

The Second Assembly of first session was held on April 5, 1959 at No. 155 Si-ning South Rd. Citizen activity center. Several decisions were made, the important issue was trying to refresh the Union type to Specialty type. Request was sent to the Ministry of Interior for approval.

By this time, we also set up branch in Keelung on Aug. 12, 1959.

When the third Assembly was opened on Apr 24, 1960, 91 members attending the meeting, plus 20 representatives from Government and other parties.

Chairman and executive committee of second session were elected:

Executive Committee: H. J. Yao; T. K. Ying (應廷奎); X. H. Dai (戴雪欣); C. H. Cuei (崔重華); C. S. Liu (劉傳森)

Supervisor: S. G. Zou (祝紹鋼)

Chairman: H. J. Yao (姚煥銳)

    Secretary General: Y. J. Sa (沙允仁)


  1. Present stage:


Set up web site http://www.mastermariner.org.tw/open for international performance. Our training center got the NK’s Quality Management System Registration Certificate.

Association contact:

Telephone: 886-2-27120022

Fax: 886-2-27128860

Email: master.mariner@msa.hinet.net

  1. Publications achieved :
  1. Translation

Ÿ   Maritime dictionary (Translation from English to Mandarin), 1966

Ÿ   Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at sea 1972 (Translation from English to Mandarin), 2010

Ÿ   International Cod of Signal (Translation from English to Mandarin), 1981

Ÿ   Marine salvage convention 1989 Translation, 1990

Ÿ   United State Oil Pollution Acts 90 Translation, 1990

Ÿ   Canadian Rescue and Research Manual Translation, 1990

Ÿ   Dangerous Cargo Medical Guide Translation, 1991

Ÿ   STCW 1978 Convention Translation, 1996

Ÿ   Japanese Seaman Law, 1989

Ÿ   Merchant of Marine Law, 1989

Ÿ   International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, 1991


  1. Member’s writings

l   Merchant vessel’s practice (Captain H. J. Yao) 1953

l   Navigation (Captain S. Y. Shen) 1948

l   Cargo Operation (Captain Y. J. Sa) 1960

l   The development of St. Lawrence Seaway (Captain H. J. Yao) 1962

l   Seamanship (ship handling) (Captain Y. H. Fong) 1971

l   Harbour development issue and their policy in developing country (Captain Z. B. Hwang) 1972

l   Ship manoeuvring (Captain S. Y. Shen) 1973

l   Marine court (Captain S. Y. Shen) 1975

l   English exercise for seaman (Captain S. Y. Shen) 1975

l   International Etiquette for Seaman (Captain S. Y. Shen) 1975

l   Memoirs (Captain T. S. Tang) 1976

l   Lifeboat operation (Captain S. Y. Shen) 1976

l   Cargo operation for merchant vessel (Captain S. Y. Shen) 1977

l   Marine electronic equipment (Captain S. Y. Shen) 1977

l   Radar plotting (Captain S. Y. Shen) 1977

l   Merchant vessel (Captain S. Z. Yang) 1977

l   Lifeboat operation (Captain S. Z. Yang) 1978

l   Drawing and translation of ship’s position (Captain S. Z. Yang) 1978

l   Ship’s stability and trimming (Captain S. P. Lo) 1978

l   Ship’s Radar Manual (Captain S. Y. Shen) 1969

l   Modern seamanship (Captain S. Y. Shen) 1969

l   Yacht navigation in ocean (Captain S. Y. Shen) 1969

l   Marine English study (Captain S. Y. Shen) 1969

l   Captain business practice (Captain H. G. Hwang) 1979

l   Harbour efficiencies (Captain Z. B. Hwang) 1979

l   Radar and Electronic equipment (Captain S. P. Lo) 1980

l   Ship Handling (Captain S. Z. Tan) 1980

l   Digest of African ports (Captain Y. F. Fan) 1980

l   Bunker Consumption (Captain N. Ing) 1981

l   The Application of Navigational Charts (Captain Y. G. Chang) 1981

l   Transportation of Frozen cargo (Captain H. L. Ding) 1981

l   Inert Gas on Tanker (Captain B. Y. Wang) 1981

l   Mate’s manual (Captain C. Y. Chen; Captain J. C. Lin) 1981

l   Tug and their usage (Captain H. Y. Jiang) 1981

l   International Etiquette for Seaman (Captain S. Z. Yang) 1983

l   The Study of Integrated Marine Policy (Captain S. Z. Yang) 1982

l   Critical Ship handling (Captain S. Z. Yang) 1985

l   Maritime dictionary (Captain E. Yi) 1987

l   Rating on duty (Captain T. Shen) 1988

l   Ship handling (Professor K. C. Tsai) 1989

l   The study on grounding avoidance (Captain L. S. Chang) 1992

l   The study on Traffic Separation Scheme (Captain L. S. Chang) 1993

l   Marine Claim (Mr. Z. F. Chiou) 1997

l   The practice of B/L (Mr. Z. F. Chiou) 1997

l   Explanation of pilotage law (Captain H. L. Ding) 2003

l   Containerize Transportation (Captain K. Y. Hsu) 2004

l   Ship Management (Captain K. Y. Hsu) 2007

l   Piloting by drawing (Captain S. S. Hsu) 2008

l   The theory and practice of Ship Handling (Captain K. Y. Hsu) 2008

l   Compilation of Marine Safety and Management Theses (Captain K. Y. Hsu) 2011

l   My career at sea (Captain J. Y. Shen) 2011

l   Bridge Resource Management (Captain Y. C. Hou and Captain K. Y. Hsu) 2011

l   Marine Salvage - Illustration by History and Cases (Captain P. Lee) 2014


  1. Training Material

l   Navigation 1986

l   Cargo operation 1986

l   Ship safety management (1) 1986

l   Meteorology and Oceanography 1986

l   Navigation instrument 1986

l   Ship’s communication 1986

l   International Regulation for preventing collisions at sea and watch keeping 1986

l   Seamanship 1986

l   Master practice and Chief mate’s knowledge 1986

l   Maritime regulation (1) 1986

l   Liquid gas tanker practice 1988

l   Chemical tanker practice 1988

l   Maritime English 1992

l   Maritime business 1994

l   Ship safety management (2) 1994

l   GMDSS (1) 1995

l   GMDSS (2) 1995

l   Ship Handling 1995

l   Maritime regulation (2) 1995

l   Navigator refresher and updating information 1999

l   Personnel safety and Social responsibility 1999


  1. Government Projects

l   Routine survey onto cases of marine accident every year from Marine Court and Administration of Transportation and Communication.

l   The study on “International DG Code measures” 1992

l   The study of “Black spot in Traffic – marine safety ” 1993

l   The study of “How to improve Seaman’s education and training” 1993

l   The study of “Merchant ship’s and fishing boat’s accident in Taiwan coast” 1993

l   The study of “The Development of Liner and Transportation in Taiwan” 1993

l   Present situation and improving of marine safety 1994

l   Planning for training of marine officer/skipper/boat master 1994

l   GMDSS training program 1994

l   Taipei RCC control standard procedure 1997

l   The management of Taiwan coast – ECDIS and AtoN system development 1997

l   The study of “Marine accident review system in Taiwan and China” 1998

l   AtoN system planning and study (1) 1998

l   AtoN system Planning and study (2) 1999

l   The study of “Man power training system for SAR” 2000

l   The study of “Accident prevention for sand carrier” 2003

l   The study of “The revise of Seaman Law” 2005

l   The study of “Transportation Safety Act” 2005

l   On-board training record book for each grade since 2006

l   The study of “The necessity of ship management for Domestic ship ” 2010

l   The study of ”STCW 1978 amendment” 2011

l   International maritime convention and safety of ship operation conference 2011


  1. Others

l   Master’s Quarterly since 1961

l   Seaman’s handbook 1966 - 1984

l   Master’s report 1982 - 1986


  1. Merit
    1. Since 1979 to 2001, association followed the policy of Government, opened training courses onto mates and masters:

l   Navigational duty 62 times total 3,500 person

l   Anti-pollution prevention 59 times total 3,600 person

l   Marine regulation 59 times total 3,600 person

l   Promotion training before official examination 65 times total 2,400 person

l   Personnel safety and Social responsibility 6 times total 140 person

l   Navigator refresher and updating course 6 times total 140 person

l   GMDSS 73 times total 1,900 person

Over 15,000 person-order were trained by this training center.


  1. Awards from Ministry of Interior each year. (Photo at Right is the reward of 2013)

  1. Our goal
    1. Maintain the Rights of Navigation
    2. Advocate ocean essence and update marine education
    3. Declare Government’s acts and perform the member’s will
    4. Improving the navigational skill and give consultant
    5. Subjects entrust from parties
    6. Assist to improve Marine Regulation
    7. Gather; maintain; pursuit member’s benefit
    8. Publish member’s masterpieces and publications
    9. Praise member’s good activities
    10. Coordinate member’s conflict and difficulty
    11. Arbitration or handling marine accident
    12. Occupation introduction or comfort
    13. International approach







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